Monday, 8 May 2017

Buying and selling bitcoins in India.

            The revolutionary method of online currency trading that has given much to talk about in recent years is the so-called bitcoin currency. This invention has completely renovated the methods of payment in the internet market. This type of currency has been used since 2009, bitcoin managed to hoard the economic system in the networks presenting an easy and viable technique of handling money in a digital way thanks to its open source and not dependent on the trust of a central transmitter.

            Well, it would be excellent to use this virtual currency in every place where we go, is not it? But unfortunately, until the moment it will always be necessary to use our traditional currency, just as any person wishing to enter the world of the economy in the networks must invest with their current currency to obtain bitcoins in return.

            The digital bitcoins market has expanded globally and has experienced a special development in India since recently the Asian country suffered a liquidity deficit in its traditional currency (rupee) due to a demonetization and this promoted the use of the bitcoins. Although at first, the Indian government was reluctant to apply this currency, it gradually became familiar with it but did not accept the decentralization that characterizes it. Recently the Interministerial Parliamentary Committee of India held its first meeting to discuss the bitcoin and the use of virtual currency in the country.

            The exchange of bitcoins up to now is legal in India under existing laws; transactions in the digital currency are already being widely accepted by the inhabitants of this country. More and more people are looking for the best bitcoins exchange rate and I think Bitxoxo Exchange is one of the best because it allows the purchase and sale of bitcoins in India without charging fees for their services and also offers a deal with the customer in real time 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, guaranteeing security and speed in their operations which has made it stable in the current bitcoins exchange market and has been considered as the best exchange of bitcoins in India.

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