Thursday, 25 May 2017

Bitcoin Giftcards: New way to make gifts

We have all heard of the Gift card, small prepaid cards to a company where it gives us a physical sample to make purchases for the total money invested in them. Pages such as have long had such cards and use them very often to transfer a quantity of money from one user to another, either as a gift or as a simple way to move money from one account to another quickly. But a company in India takes time in the Bitcoins market and is accused of being the creator of the physical gift card for these: Bitxoxo.

This company has a stable and lasting trajectory, is known by many worldwide for one thing especially: it owns a lot of advertising on the internet because it not only focuses on the area of Bitcoins, it also handles seminars, workshops, symposia based on The use of Bitcoins internationally, and are dictated by universities, colleges, and others.

This company is the first company in the world to develop the famous Gift Card completely destined to transfer Bitcoins, which fulfills its mission directly that is: to make accessible the Bitcoins for the whole world, giving to know its security, its facility of interchange And the time required for transactions.

Now it is clear that several companies have started using Bitcoins transfer method through Gift card, however Bitxoxo has a clear advantage for those looking to give away the precious cryptocurrency: All other pages charge a small fee and a charge for The use of any of its services (purchase of Bitcoins, sale of Bitcoins, exchange of Bitcoins). Bitxoxo has a policy of 0% Fees in all its services, therefore the acquisition of that Gift card for your friend will not have an additional cost than sending it to the door of his house.

Then we have understood. If our desire is to give Bitcoins in a physical and fast way, without losing a lot of money, remember: Gift card with this coin are already circulating in the world.

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