Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Win Bitcoins From Your Work

     Bitcoin is a great opportunity to start saving money in a safe way. However, many people do not know what to do to get cryptocurrencies. Here are some ways to win or generate Bitcoins.

     One of the most comfortable but not always sure is to accept the digital coins as payment. If you have a local where you sell commercial products of any kind you can start accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment. If your local is physical or online you can accept and carry out the necessary transactions regardless of the medium thanks to the Bitcoin Exchange allow different types of operations.

     To accept the cryptocurrencies you must have or create a Bitcoin wallet online. In this wallet will go all your income from Bitcoin and through it you can change them to local currency or do your operations with them through the Bitcoin Exchange. Many businesses in India have been accepting the digital currency as a form of payment to start operations with Bitcoins. One of the Top Bitcoin Exchange in India is Bitxoxo. Most people who use this Bitcoin Exchange have demonstrated their excellent use and acceptance in the country.

     When you have your Bitcoin e-wallet you will be assigned a QR code with your Bitcoin address to which all Bitcoins revenue will go. This code should be close to the cash register so customers know the address to which they will send their payments. With this code customers can make purchases faster because most people carry a Bitcoin App on their mobile phones, such as Bitxoxo and can carry out the transaction immediately. You can confirm the payment from Bitcoin's wallet.

     Some Bitcoin apps and BTC wallets have the feature of calculating, whether dollars, Euros or another currency, the equivalent in Bitcoins and that way the customer can know exactly how much to pay.

     Finally what you should do is show the logo in the trade "Bitcoin is accepted" so that people who pass near the premises can know that you accept another means of payment and that gives more facilities to customers.

     This way you can start to earn Bitcoins. It is very simple and does not need extensive knowledge on the subject. This is just a way to get Bitcoins but there are other ways

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