Monday, 21 August 2017

Bitcoin Keep Broking Barriers

     Last week Bitcoin broke the $ 4,000 barrier and now analysts say it's going for $ 4,500 and more. Users of cryptocurrency are not surprised by the rapid escalation of the digital currency. Even many are already saying that it can reach $ 6 000 and up to $ 10,000 to end the years. One of the most important exchange houses in India, Bitxoxo, made an announcement after seeing the remarkable increase that Bitcoin has had in this month and was that they are having more and more people on their platforms, even dared to say that many Are abandoning other Bitcoin exchange in India to start carrying out their operations with them.

     Just a month ago Bitcoin reached $ 3 000 and now in less than a month achieved an increase of almost 30 percent of its value. A figure for many incredible but at the same time satisfactory as for investors who barely spent a few hundred dollars a few years ago buying Bitcoin now would get a good amount of money if they decide to sell their Bitcoins. In some countries where the Bitcoin did not give signs of life have been studying and closely following the steps of the digital currency. For example; In Russia, consideration is being given to the use of Bitcoin in its territories since there have been a lot of movements and operations in recent months.

    India has also been happy with Bitcoin operations and several exchange houses have been placed in the top Bitcoin exchange in India as Bitxoxo which is being recognized by almost the whole country providing benefits that other Bitcoin exchange does not. Millions of people sell Bitcoin in India and even do so to other countries as some bureaux de change allow it and that way their operations expand around the world without the need for governmental or banking authorizations.

     The digital currency is accomplishing many things and for the next months and years it is possible that it reaches its greatest goal, to become the first digital currency in the world being recognized and legalized in most countries. However, it is not possible to know if this is true or is only a fantasy as some analysts define the digital coins as something temporary.

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