Monday, 28 August 2017

A victorious close for Bitcoin

This August 2017 will be an unforgettable month for Bitcoin in every history. The boom that was propitiated in this month that is about to close is historic, because, after a grotesque fall in mid-July - specifically on the 16th - which reached 1910.74 dollars, many took a big surprise when at the beginning of August the price of Bitcoin reached 3000 dollars, and on August 13 - in less than 10 days - the currency reached a monetary value that impacted the world market, to be above the 4000 dollars. From that moment the price has not dropped again abruptly, which has meant a greater acceptance and reliability on the part of the governments of the world.

An exceptional month closure, which no doubt foretells much bigger things for the last months of the year, and in fact, a price is predicted to reach $ 6000, or at least 5000. The scales are only seen above the price Current, which is swaying at $ 4,300.

Bitcoin will continue to grow and there is no doubt that, as more transactions of Bitcoin exist, the more bitcoins continue to be issued by the mining process, the greater demand continues to have this criptocoin, the stock market will continue to grow and its price it will continue to have a steady value and of course, rising more and more.

In addition, the digital age causes this change, since, more and more people have in their home a PC with internet, because, just as in the beginning the television was affordable only for a small number of people because of its high cost, product of the technological innovation for that time. Well, this is happening today, since a decade ago, the number of people in the world who owned the Internet was very limited, whereas currently having this digital resource is a necessity, it is no longer a luxury like before.

This information is important in every area, for we are talking about the probable money of the future, Bitcoin. If you want to know more about this type of news and read these articles, you should follow this page, where you can learn the top Bitcoin exchange in India, where you will find the best Bitcoin exchange in India. Within this top we find companies like: Coinsecure, Unocoin, Zebpay, Bitxoxo and others. To buy and sell bitcoins in India has become the new boom of the country, and little by little has been legalized.

1 comment:

  1. Heyy, Awesome Post .. Keep It Up!

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